It is mandatory to pay capital gains tax if you dispose of any asset by transferring or giving it way. You are also subject to paying the CGT if you receive compensation, for example, you may receive compensation for a damaged good from an insurance company.
You do not have to pay any capital gains tax on the sale of your car, and first home, under most conditions, ISAs or PEPs, UK government gilts (bonds), income from betting, lotteries or pool winnings, or in other words, any money that is already subject to income tax.
Calculating the CGT:
When you sell an asset: Let us assume you bought some shares for £1000 and you sold them for £2000. You would need to pay CGT on the gain which in this case is £1000.
When you give an asset: It is important to point out that you need to pay CGT on the value of the asset and not what you get from it. To illustrate this, let us consider that you bought a flat for your son at £70,000 four years ago and its value has now appreciated to £100,000. Suppose you let him have it at less than the market value, £75,000. Your gain would be £100,000 minus £70,000 which is £30,000.
When you dispose of an asset: If you dispose of an asset which you received as a gift, your gain will be based on the market value when you received it. For example, you are gifted a garage whose value at the time when the gift was made was £5000. Now you sell it for £8000. Your gain in this case will be £3,000.
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